Life events (non-pensioners) | Plumbing Industry Pension Scheme

Life events

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Report a death

If you need to tell us a member has died, please complete this form.

Becoming a parent

It’s important to let the administration team know about any changes in your circumstances, such as becoming a parent, because the Scheme provides valuable benefits to your loved ones after you die. You can update your Expression of wish form to indicate to the Trustee who you would like to receive these benefits.

Marriage & divorce

Divorce or civil partnership dissolution can be a confusing and distressing time. Pensions are a valuable asset and will usually be taken into account during divorce or dissolution settlement discussions. 

If you divorce, your solicitor will need to consider any benefits you and your ex may have, including benefits payable from the Scheme. If a pension sharing order is made, your Scheme benefits will be reduced accordingly. Your ex cannot become a member of the Scheme, and any benefits awarded to them must be transferred out to an approved pension arrangement in their own name.

Please ask your solicitor to contact the administration team for the necessary information before a pension sharing or earmarking order is drafted.

If you remarry, you should notify the administration team of your marital status by completing the Update details form and updating your Expression of wish form.

Ill health

If you suffer from a physical or mental condition that prevents you from working again in any capacity, the Trustee has discretion to pay you an immediate pension from the Scheme. 

This pension will be calculated as if you were retiring on your Normal Retirement Date, although it may be reduced because it is being paid early. When you retire, you can choose to exchange some of your pension for a cash lump sum. 

The Trustee will regularly ask for evidence of your continued incapacity at intervals until you reach Normal Retirement Date. If you retire with an incapacity pension and your health improves, your pension may be reduced or suspended. 

Moving home

The administration team needs to have up-to-date contact details for you to ensure that there are no delays in paying your benefits when you reach Normal Retirement Date, so please let them know if you move home. 

Please use the Update details form to update your details or call the team on 03457 65 65 65.


The Scheme provides financial security to your family or financial dependents after your death.

You can nominate who you want to receive benefits from the Scheme when you die. They could be eligible for a lump sum and pension depending on when you die.

Death before retirement

The Scheme Trustee has discretion to decide who should get the lump sum payment, which is why it’s important to complete an Expression of wish form and keep it up to date. Although the form is not binding, the Trustee will take your wishes into account when deciding who will receive the death benefits and will make every effort to meet your wishes where possible. By giving the Trustee discretion, it means that the lump sum does not form part of your Estate and will not be subject to Inheritance Tax. It also means the payment isn’t delayed by probate issues while your Estate is settled.

Depending on your benefit scale, a pension may also be payable to your spouse, civil partner, dependants or children. There are five benefit scales in the Scheme: the 2017 scale; the Basic scale; and three Higher Benefit scales. Please see the Scheme guide or contact the administration team for details of any pensions payable.