Pension scams | Plumbing Industry Pension Scheme

Pension scams

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Watch out for pension scams. Pension scammers screw up lives. Unfortunately, more and more people are being targeted by pension scammers, who often appear to be articulate and financially knowledgeable, with credible websites that are difficult to distinguish from the real thing. 

Scammers try to persuade you to transfer your pension savings to them or to release funds from it. Don’t be caught out by scam tactics which include:

  • contact out of the blue
  • promises of high/guaranteed returns
  • free pension reviews
  • access to your pension before age 55
  • pressure to act quickly.
        Useful websites

        You can find information about pension scams and how to avoid them here or visit the ScamSmart website here

        If you would like to find a regulated financial adviser, click here

        Find out if the firm you’re dealing with is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and check you’ve got the right contact details, via the FCA Register.

        And if you think you may be a victim of a pension scam, contact Action Fraud here

        Watch this video produced by the FCA to find out more about what to look out for.