Register | Plumbing Industry Pension Scheme
This area of the website is for the employers who participate in the Plumbing & Mechanical Services (UK) Industry Pension Scheme.

*If you don’t know your Employer Reference Number, please contact the administration team.

Click here to read the portal terms & conditions.

Complete your registration
Choose a memorable password that’s easy to remember. Your password must be at least 8 characters long and include a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number and a special character/symbol (such as! £ $ *).

ⓘ Passwords do not match

ⓘ Must be 8 characters or more

ⓘ Must include an uppercase letter

ⓘ Must include a lowercase letter

ⓘ Must include a number

ⓘ Must include a special character

We will send an email to the address you provided, with a link to log in using the details you have created. The email will come from Check your spam/junk folder if you can’t see it.
If you haven’t received the email (and you’re sure it’s not in your spam/junk folder), please contact the administration team.